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Cosmetic Dental Services in Calgary

Are you lacking confidence in your smile? At Cornerstone Highstreet Dental, we provide cosmetic dental services designed to change the appearance of your teeth and gums.

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Cosmetic Dental Services, Calgary Dentist

What is cosmetic dental care?

The main objective of cosmetic dental treatments is to make aesthetic changes to your teeth and gums.

If your teeth are stained, broken, chipped, or have gaps, you may be a good candidate for cosmetic dental services. These services, such as dental bonding or teeth whitening, are designed to help correct cosmetic issues with your smile.

Many patients find that these treatments have a significant impact on the confidence they have in their smiles.

Not sure where to get started with cosmetic dental care?

Our dentists can develop a personalized treatment plan to help you achieve your smile goals. Your plan will enable us to complete all the dental procedures you need in fewer appointments.

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Teeth Whitening

Professional teeth whitening is a safe method of whitening teeth using peroxide-based bleaching agents to brighten the colour of your teeth. We offer both in-office and take-home treatment options so you can whiten your teeth in a way that best suits your lifestyle. 

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Veneers are thin layers of porcelain that are custom-made to fit over the front of your teeth, changing their shape or colour. Veneers are applied to teeth with uneven surfaces, or teeth that are chipped, discoloured, oddly shaped, small, crooked, or unevenly spaced.

Dental Bonding

Bonding is a cosmetic procedure where tooth-coloured composite resin is bonded to discoloured, damaged, or gapped teeth to achieve an even, natural-looking smile. Your dentist will choose a shade of composite resin that matches and blends in with your existing teeth for a natural-looking appearance.