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Teeth Whitening in Calgary

At Cornerstone Highstreet Dental, we offer in-office and take-home teeth whitening options to brighten your teeth and help you smile with more confidence.

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Teeth Whitening, Calgary Dentist

Put Your Best Smile Forward

Are you worried about the colour of your teeth? If so, you're not alone. Many people notice their teeth aren't as light as they used to be. This is a natural part of aging, and a number of factors contribute to your teeth staining.

Teeth whitening at our clinic in NE Calgary can help eliminate discolouration caused by:

  • Poor dental hygiene upkeep
  • Foods and beverages like tea, coffee, or red wine
  • Certain medications
  • Smoking
  • Accidents

If you have healthy teeth and gums, you may be a candidate for teeth whitening. Your dentist can help determine whether teeth whitening is the right fit for you.

Smile With Confidence

A smile is worth a thousand words and is one of the first things people notice you. The dental professionals at Cornerstone Highstreet Dental are here to help you achieve a naturally bright and polished-looking smile. 

Ready to Get Started?

How does teeth whitening work?

We offer teeth whitening as an in-office or take-home treatment. Both options work by applying a peroxide-based gel to your teeth.

This gel breaks down stain molecules, resulting in a whiter, brighter-looking smile. The peroxide gel is non-toxic, non-allergenic, and very safe to use.

Teeth whitening procedures performed by your dentist in a dental clinic are typically more effective. This is because the whitening agents in your dentist’s gel are stronger than those in take-home kits.

Every patient has a unique tooth shade. For this reason, your dentist will thoroughly examine your teeth to help you choose the appropriate shade for your smile during your consultation.

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Teeth Whitening, Calgary Dentist

In-Office Teeth Whitening

When you visit us for in-office whitening, we begin by placing a rubber dam to protect your lips and soft tissue. Then, we apply the peroxide bleaching solution to your teeth to help break down stains. The solution will be left on for 15 to 30 minutes under a low-heat UV lamp that activates the gel.

For many patients, a single session may be enough, but depending on your circumstances, you may require additional appointments to achieve the desired whitening effect.

Take-Home Teeth Whitening

If you'd prefer to whiten your teeth from the comfort of your home, Cornerstone Highstreet Dental can fit you for custom whitening trays. We will explain in detail how to use our professional strength whitening gel so that you can achieve a brighter smile without leaving your house. By the end of the treatment period, you should have a brighter smile!


Teeth Whitening FAQs

Take a look at the answers to our most frequently asked questions about teeth whitening at Cornerstone Highstreet Dental