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Extractions & Wisdom Teeth in Calgary

At Cornerstone Highstreet Dental, our dentists perform extractions when a tooth is beyond saving or is harming your overall oral health.

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Extractions & Wisdom Teeth, Calgary Dentist

When is an extraction needed?

A tooth extraction is the removal of a tooth from its socket in the bone. At Cornerstone Highstreet Dental, our dentists only perform extractions when a less invasive alternative is not available.

Typical reasons for pulling a tooth include substantial damage or decay and problematic wisdom teeth. Teeth are also sometimes extracted to prepare for other dental procedures.

Repairing Excessive Damage

Your dentist will try hard to save a tooth whenever possible. However, circumstances like injury, gum disease, or significant deterioration require extraction.

If you have a damaged tooth that needs to be pulled, your dentist will discuss tooth replacement options with you. This might include dental crowns, bridges, or dental implants.

What types of tooth extractions do you offer?

Before recommending a tooth extraction, your dentist will thoroughly assess your mouth.

At Cornerstone Highstreet Dental, we offer the following types of extractions for our patients in Cornerstone, Redstone, Cityscape, and the surrounding Calgary areas:

Wisdom Tooth Removal

Wisdom teeth are normally the final set of molars to erupt in the back corners of an adult's mouth, usually between the ages of 17 and 25.

This third set of teeth is not always functional and can cause overcrowding in your mouth as they come in. They may also cause oral hygiene issues.

If your dentist is worried about the position of your wisdom teeth, they may recommend having them extracted to avoid any future complications.