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Dental Crowns in Calgary

At Cornerstone Highstreet Dental, our dentists offer dental crowns that restore damaged teeth and prevent further deterioration.

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Dental Crowns, Calgary Dentist

What is a Dental Crown?

Dental crowns are hollow, artificial teeth that are used to cap a decayed or damaged tooth to restore its original shape and colour. Crowns help strengthen and change the appearance of a broken tooth that may otherwise be lost.

Crowns look and function like natural teeth. If cared for properly through a good at-home oral care routine and regular dental exams and hygiene cleanings, dental crowns can last for a decade or more.

Crowns are very durable and can be constructed from a variety of materials, including metal and porcelain. Metal or gold crowns are suitable for back tooth restorations, but their colour is the main drawback. Porcelain crowns combine aesthetics, durability and strength and are used to cap front teeth. They may not be ideal for restoring rear teeth where chewing forces are high.

How Crowns Work

When a tooth experiences substantial damage or decay, to the point where large pieces must be removed, your dentist may correct it using a dental crown.

Dental crowns are sometimes placed on teeth to restore them after a different dental procedure like a root canal. Dental crowns are also used to cover dental implants, to attach bridges, or for aesthetic reasons, like lightening a discoloured tooth that is not a suitable candidate for teeth whitening.

The Dental Crown Procedure

Applying a crown takes place over two separate dental appointments. During the initial appointment, your dentist will take an impression of the tooth to create a custom crown. While it is being prepared, you may be fitted with a temporary crown.

Upon returning for the second appointment, your new crown will replace the temporary one. This crown is specifically sculpted for your mouth so that your bite and jaw movements function seamlessly.